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I need to admit something:  I think I am a below average gamer.  It pains me to admit it, but it's true.  As some of you know, I have been enjoying FFX for some time now.  The story and characters are really interesting and I really want to advance to know what will happen.  Sadly, this will not happen.  Let me explain.

After the ball tournament, I go on a different place (don't remember the name) and I have to travel on some roads until I get to some headquarters for a fight with cannons against Sin.  Ok, so, Titus takes three steps and I have to fight.  After this one, Titus takes three more steps and again, battle against the now stantard three opponents.  Fine, let's fight.  Let's move on, seven steps this time before the next fight begins.  Now, some of my guys are starting to be a little beat up.  Finally, I reach the red arrow.  Another nameless path.  This doesn't look good.  This time around, 4 fights.  And since I am a below average gamer, I always start the next fight with one of my guys with one hit point.  And those monsters are ALWAYS making the first move.  Oh man!  I have used up all of my pheonix down.  Finally, the next red arrow.  Next section, same F****** thing.  So, I will just take the FLEE option. 

Finally, I arrive at the big cannon fight.  Of course, the Sinspawn gets out and I have to fight this thing with respawning arms.  He has like 10 000 hit points.  And none of my guys are ready for Overdrive.  Ok Wakka, throw your ball for a whooping 104 damage (it would take around 100 attacks of this type to kill the thing).  Ok, that thing is attacking me with some toxic vomit.  Ouch!  Each one looses 230 hit points.  At least now, it's my time to, wait, that thing is still coming.  That is gonna hurt.  And it does.

All right!  The arms are off!  Cool!  Now let's focus on the 4000 hit points head and the 10 000 hit points body.  Ok, not bad.  Let's take out the aeions.  This is going to rock solid!  Wait, are they dead already?  Really?  F***.  What's that now?  The arms are back and the head is going side to side!  Game over!

I know about the spheres by the way.  What do good players do?  Grind, grind, grind the same sections over and over?  Please, above average gamers of this world, who never died once playing this game, how do you do it?  I would love to see the ending but not to the point of redoing the same thing over and over again.





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