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I remember reading this story and is wrong with people. No one helped this girl and there enough people watching to do something and all these fucks did was take pictures! This story is old but I wondered if they caught the guys and so far it seems like they only got  6 of them so far. Anyway, seems the world is really going to hell...I can't imagine seeing going through something like this and not doing anything about it. I had stop a fight between to girls in a movie parking lot where there were at least 15 other people just watching and the cop was sitting inside running his mouth. The blonde got the dark haired girl on the ground and was trying to stomp her head into pavement and when I saw people just watching i was like "are you fucking kidding me?", a few guys tried to get in my way but that didn't work out to well for them lol. Anyway, have any of you helped someone out and if you haven't would you? I'm not saying that we are obligated to help each other but douches like these need to be kept in check and the cops can't do it all. Someone in my family was a victim of this kind of crime so I have a deep seeded hatred for rapists.


The original Story

The follow up story

I couldn't find the original story that was on msnbc...sorry

I gotta head into a meeting...I'll be back in a few to respond to any questions or comments.