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Alby_da_Wolf said:

As I wrote answering other people, I know these methods existed before Lenin and Stalin, but Soviet Union, together with Mussolini, were the first to apply a scientific, systematic approach to the matter, and all the even barely acceptable amongst their methods were quickly recognized as highly effective and adopted by both not marxist politicians and, outside of politics, publicists and marketing experts.

About MS, I'm sure it will never directly smear competitors, and it's also cautious just attacking them, the most direct things I could see up until now are Greenberg's rants, Turn 10's attacks and trash talk against GT5, and, many years ago, Ballmer's mafia-style vague, impersonal, indirect threats against Marc Andreessen and Netscape, throwing chairs to Google and ridiculous attacks against Linux and GPL ("Get the Facts" campaign, "cancer" and similar BS).

As I wrote elsewhere, I also know that other companies use these methods, but when trolling and astroturfing, Sony minions are never as subtle and stealthy as MS ones, you can bust them easily.

Nintendo fans and also its official propaganda are a lot more direct. Nintendo's typical trait is ignoring competitors with understated superiority, while its most enthusiastic fans shift from superiority when Ninty crushes competitors to anger and whining when things don't go so well.  But Ninty is also as good as MS or even more to create buzz and hype. Who could have been Nintendo's strongest astroturfer, Malstrom, suddenly went off his head and began believing he's God, and now he's liked only by a small inner circle, while he managed to get almost everybody else angered with his attitude, not good astroturfing by any means.

Actually you'd find Sony minions get away with much more in comparison with the MS ones, so unless you're trolling stealthly, you will get the banhammer in the face. I personally find this whole fanboy propaganda aload of BS, but some people are very adamant that this site is Sony biased or even MS biased or even Nintendo biased. If you look at the general threads, 360 related ones in particular you'd find ALOT more Sony fans stealthly trolling that thread, I rarely see any other fanbase as arrogant as Sony if I might say so myself, I like the product and admit that PS3 is better to an extent, so I am in no way trolling here, but the community is what deters me in most cases.

Really, you can't generalize all the MS fans and compare them to the Communist party method of propaganda when everyone does it. It's as if I go "French people eat cheese, they're cheesy bastards!", that wouldn't make much sense, because that's stereotyping and there are people among other nations that eat cheese.

Poor case scenario but meh.

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