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Alby_da_Wolf said:
NotStan said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

Oh, I forgot another key trait of soviet inspired astroturfing: the password for starting gang attacks on "enemies". The bosses must be very skilled at anger control and start the attack in an apparently mild, detached, almost "neutral" way, that must give third parties the impression they are impartial and objective. In the attack start speeches, some ideology principles the enemy infringed are stated with authoritative, detached and superior manner , as if they were universal principles instead. It so becomes a duty of the whole human kind (and particularly of "professional revolutionaries") to attack the reprobate.

You're just copying Wikipedia now and posting aload of babble.

Wikipedia? Where?

Your comparison of the modern advertising methods to the previously used soviet propaganda are amusing. You're right, I am sure MS goes off to kidnap a family in order to blackmail opposition, or it opresses any religion or open mindness amongst it's consumers, or claim that the world revolves around MS products. Really the comparison is laughable, what you're doing is reading too much into the events that occur, not everything has a hidden message like it used to in the time of Soviet development. Yeah I may be young, but History is an interesting aspect for me, Soviet Russia in particular so I did pay great attention, as they say "In Soviet Russia, party finds you!".

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.