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PooperScooper said:
@Blaiyan It's a small company. They havent gotten much money together to even put out HD-DVD movies.(from what i gather)

They were originally HD DVD exclusive, but stopped putting out movies altogether back around June. Over time, rumors popped up saying that they were waiting things out to see which format was more likely to win. More time passed, and rumors popped up saying that they had unofficially gone neutral, as the Collector's Edition of Stranglehold for the PS3 came with Hard Boiled, a Weinstein film, in HD on the disc. However, that was the only HD film they released at the time, and Weinstein still seemed to be ignoring both HD formats completely. Later on, even more rumors sprang up, this time proposing that they were waiting on a move from Warner, and whichever way Warner went, they would follow. Well, Warner has made their decision, so we just have to wait and see what Weinstein will do now.