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I had enough of this game already , I want no more , this latest trailer says it all

They got many things right, the combat system is well balanced between stylish attacks , magic , summons , skills ( that warping is just so cool :p ) , guns and the ability to control other members of your party, for some reason they removed the blood effect while hitting you enemies , I hope they bring that back . Still the combat need some improvment  ..some weight so you would feel that you made a damage .

We got various atmospheres, the city looks like nowadays cities in Japan , colorful forest and that flying/falling platform , Many things can happen while you are running around, explosions, falling planes and buldings ( Is that what you call scale of the game ?! )

The characters, Noctis seems funny , childish and obsessed with his power ( wait, why I'm running , I'm the strongest... lol )  any yet he carries a heavy burden and you can see that at the end of the trailer , he likes to sleep much which is a major part of the story I believe . It's that magic Nomura always casts on me , when he writes the story I always feel that I'm attach to the characters.

What else ? enough I guess

As I said no more Versus for me till the game is actually released , I'll avoid any new trailers/infos ( god help me ) , SE did spoil FFXIII , they showed us almost every character and their summons plus very Important parts of the story/cutscenes.

EDIT : I didn't mention the music !!... Fail , Yoko has exceeded herself , truly amazing .