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I bought Persona 4 for $9, Kingdom Hears for $5, Kingdom Hearts 2 for $5, Xenogears 2 for $2, Grandia 2 for $2, Jeto GP for $1 and some Shadow Hearts game for $2.. That was all in the last week or so, a couple of them I found at an EB Games, but the others were being sold by some old couple with a stand at my local market.

I was mainly a Gamecube gamer during that era, so outside of Jak & Daxter, God of War, Yu-Gi-Oh: Duelist of Roses and the Dragonball Z games, I didn't really have much of a history with the PS2. I've recently been trying to catch up on all the good games

Kingdom Hearts is pretty amazing, but it's camera is really bad and the plat-forming elements are unnecessary. 

Persona 4 is amazing, but it's save system is just crazy. I go into the shadow world to fight heaps of monsters for like an hour, but then they don't have any save points within the world. So if I die, I'm screwed and I'll have to restart the dungeon all over again. It just happened to me for the first time today and I'm kind of reluctant to go back and keep playing, mainly because I have so many other games to play.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.