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Sales Discussion - WW Up - View Post

daroamer said:
LivingMetal said:
daroamer said:
LivingMetal said:
huaxiong90 said:
daroamer said:
A203D said:
huaxiong90 said:

Those PS3 numbers in the's the one missing key from ensuring second place in weekly sales.

Still, overall it's a tie, and I'm happy for every console.

What could Sony do?? they dont have half a billion to spend like Microsoft did. at least PS3 is competively doing well despite the price and marketing advantages of the other 2 home consoles.

So now Sony is the little company that could?

Gotta love it!

While I know that comment wasn't aimed at me (I hope at least ), I'm not sure I understood what you meant.

He's saying that it's great that Sony went from making so many mistakes with the PS3 and beling plagued by bad press when the PS3 was first launched to being most successful 3rd place console in console history with software support that rivals if not exceed its competitors.  Very logical and reasonable.

Even though I'm sure you're being sarcastic I wanted to point out that's exactly not what I meant.

Sony's poor decisions this gen are in no way related to Microsoft marketing budgets.

Going from 1st to 3rd in one generation is not success no matter how much you want to spin it.


I agree.  The PS3 has always been in third this entire gen world wide.  But it is quite impresive that it's been outselling the Xbox 360 for the past two years in a roll now despite the Xbox 360's year head start.  Microsoft really had to pull out all the stop in 2010 (Halo Reach, slim model, Kinect) to really keep up.  It might not have surpassed the PS3 last year, but they were closer than the year before.

Can you recall what happened 2 years ago that finally caused the PS3 to start outselling the Xbox?

Hint: Slim model & price cut

A slim model that was still more expensive than the 360, it was also to do with Uncharted 2 being game of the year, that game has put PS3 on the map this gen no doubt. Microsoft had used everything in their arsenal, Halo, new slim model, and Kinect, and still the PS3 is meeting them WW, and beating them in certain regions. if we go back a bit further than 2 years, PS3 was still competing comparatively well, despite the higher price and the poor launch.