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To me it seems that Nintendo's release schedule for the 3DS will look something like this..


- Nintendogs plus Cats


- Pilotwings Resort

- Steel Diver


- Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D


- Starfox 64 3D


- Kid Icarus: Uprising

- Paper Mario 3DS (Although this one may be delayed)



- Animal Crossing 3DS

- Mario Kart 3DS


Completely guessing with some of those obviously and I don't think Nintendo will announce any other major games for the 3DS for release in 2011 which is why I see Kid Icarus being pushed back to the holiday period. I'm not entirely sure about Starfox 64 3D but I don't think it'll take too long to finish.

I guess in terms of E3, Nintendo are going to focus on Zelda, Starfox, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart 3DS to varying extents and announce a few games for Q1 - Q3 2012 along with third party software.