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Gojimaster said:

The real question I haven't seen in this thread yet:  Will the universal friend codes allow you to transfer virtual console downloads from one 3DS to another?

Hopefully Nintendo gives us a better way to redownload our purchases if our hardware malfunctions.

I don't think thats going to happen. Nintendo is worried you'll buy tons of software online then buy a new handheld and upload all the software to that system. Then sell the old system and who ever gets it now has all those games which they inturn will not buy from Nintendo.

Now I believe Nintendo confirmed you will be able to transfer your DSiWare to your 3DS a one time thing. I think that is reasonable. You have to look at it through Nintendo's perspective they don't want tons of consumers getting games for free.

In the end the only way your going to transfer games is if your system brakes and you send it to Nintendo and they give you a new unit. Much like they transfer Wii VC games if your old Wii needs repair. I know it sucks but it makes perfect buisness sense. Don't forget everyone who upgrades consoles and rebuys all that content that is alot of money Nintendo is not going to want to part with.

Now an option would be to store all VC games on online servers. Meaning you accessed the games online with a code. But the downside to that is when ever Nintendo decided to stop hosting the content you'd be up shit creek.

TouchStone said:

Finally. When do we get usernames?

As for names, you name people when you add their code. This is far better then user names because you can name them anyway you please. Say somebody likes to be MicroCommodor but his name is Phil? You know him as phil so why not enter his name as phil. Then when you play him online you are left wondering who the heck is MicroCommodor?

As for user names for us we already have them via MyNintendo. My user name is of course JoelCool7. But as said above who needs online user names this is way easier and personal. Personally I will prefer this naming system to X-Box Live or PSN.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer