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homer said:
LordMatrix said:
Cthulhu said:
LordMatrix said:
Aldro said:

I too don't agree with Matrix statement. Kinda' like me saying: Crackdown 2 was a not so polished turd and Alan Wake was the worst game I've ever played in my entire life as a gamer [IMO].


^Both of those are so not true and complete bullshit, I'm just putting an example. If thats your opinion, you should present it as your opinion and not a fact. In which I can clearly state that what I said above just might be my opinion... OR IS IT?! (Dun dun duuu).


Looking extremly forward to Motorstorm Apocalypse :]!

I`m sorry but where`s the hype for Motorstorm Apocolypse?? Look around it`s harly there. Majority likely felt the same way I did. I don`t know anyone who cares about racing games that is hyped up for the new Motorstorm. Perhaps this has a lot to do with the terrible AI, recycled levels over and over again throughout the game, boring single player due to previosu issues... Motorstorm is the type of game you can have fun with for a few hours but than you start to see all of its flaws. As I said however, I have some hope for the upcoming Motorstorm and am going to be trying it out when it launches. I just don`t expect anything great after the dismal failures IMO that were Motorstorm 1 & 2. This is my opinion but I also notice that plenty of people that I know that are gamers feel the same way. None of us are bias to any specific system so the fact that we all seem to agree unanimously says a lot in my book.

LoL, both MotorStorms are 2 of the best racing games you can play this gen.

IMO motorstorm is not for you

If you read my whole piost you would have noticed that I mentioned that multiple other gamers I know feel the same way about the Motorstorm games. So its not just me that feels that way about them. Ur actually one of the first I ran into that disagrees with it.

Cthulhu is not alone either, so we are obviously at odds. Considering you are on the xbox360 squad or whatever(as clearly shown in your sig), I doubt you have a ps3(no offence), but if you want to prove me wrong, tell me your psn id.

Oh really!! I own all three systems. Nice try buddy! PSN ID PolkStKilla...Want to try again pal? I am on the Xbox 360 Squad because it is my system of preference. I own PS3/Wii for exclusives. You don`t have to be a fanboy to be on the X360 Squad... you just have to enjoy X360 & what it offers.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad