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Hive Cannon

Primary Fire: A swarm of insects explode on contact.

Secondary Fire: Sticky lure that draws insects.

Tactic: Tag your enemy and fire around corners!


Aegis Device

Primary Fire: Fires a deadly plasma sphere.

Charge Ability: Shield that gathers all incoming projectiles.

Tactic: Use your enemy's own ammo against them!


AR-C Eclipse

Primary Fire: Semi-automatic energy blast.

Charge Ability: Makes you invisible!

Tactic: Go invisible and sneak up on your enemies.


Phase Rifle

Primary Fire: High-caliber sniper rifle.

Secondary Fire: Can see and shoot through walls.

Tactic: Take out campers with superior cover.


Widowmaker Turret

Primary Fire: Deployable turret.

Secondary Fire: Remotely control where the weapon targets.

Tactic: Set it up around a corner and lure your enemies into your trap!


My favorite is the Phase Rifle, I hate campers >:O