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Lostplanet22 said:

AAA. game...Quality...And it has an 72 on metacritic... They just made a Disney game for the audience who wants it.   They just could made a Mickey Party game and it would also pass 1-2 million sales;.

AAA game is a reflection on the scale of budget, not the inbred industry press critical responses to it.  Lost Planet 2, despite having an even worse metacritic rating of 68-63 (depending on platform), is still most certainly a AAA game in the sense that's being talked about in this thread.

And Mickey Party probably would've done as well as Pca-Man Party (ie: not at all).  Disney has said Epic Mickey is their most successful sales launch in history.  Better than any of the Kingdom Hearts games even, none of which passed 1.3m their first NPDs btw, in fact none even sold half that.  This is hardly a business as usual release or performance, attributing Epic Mickey's sales to the brand/audience alone is basically you sticking your head in the sand...