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Metallicube said:
Lostplanet22 said:
Metallicube said:
Lostplanet22 said:

AAA. game...Quality...And it has an 72 on metacritic... They just made a Disney game for the audience who wants it.   They just could made a Mickey Party game and it would also pass 1-2 million sales;.

The top ten Third Party games (sales wise) on Wii are not known for their quality..  I doubt it is sending the right message to the devs...but who am I..

And what is quality? Clearly games like Just Dance, Carnival Games, and Guitar Hero are quality to many many people; millions in fact. Or are all those people wrong?

What we might view as quality isn't necessarilly viewed as such by much of the mainstream.

I've yet to see an example of a true quality Wii third party game that deserved success and didn't get it (by success I'm refering to at least platinum). You could argue games like LKS, Red Steel 2, and Mad World, but clearly those games weren't designed to sell to the masses, as they are very niche, have limited appeal, complex control schemes, and in many cases, quite short and not worth the $50 price tag.

Yes they are wrong, because they play it because they find it fun...  It is not because you like fries it is high quality food..  You are defending now the kind of casuals who call games as Super Mario Galaxy 2 crap and sell it at gamestop for 5$ so they can buy just dance 2 with a 5$ reduction;.

Having fun with a game doesnt mean automatically it is high quality in my book, fun is just one of the necessary factors  to be called high quality...  Addiciting, new (not seen yet) features, blowing you away, great soundtrack etc   are some other required features it needs to be high quality in my book...  The best high qualiy games are the type of games that you can play ten years after release date and still fall in love with..

Ugh, not the fast food analogy again..

Look, fries are bad for your health. Last time I checked, Just Dance isn't bad for your health. Quite the opposite actually :P.

To me, a game has one single purpose, and that is to provide fun. If a game is doing that well, and isn't broken to the point of being unplayable, isn't that quality? Since the game has achieved what it has set out to do. All these exterior things you speak of, "new features", great soundtrack, are they are ultimatley there to add to the fun, aren't they?

Mario Galaxy has sold 9 plus million, so I don't know where you are finding these people who say it's crap.. Obviously many people like it. Even if there are those people, why care about them selling Galaxy to get Just Dance? What ever happened to live and let live? Nintendo and third parties are not going to stop making the core games you love anytime soon I don't think as long as there is a market out there for them, so I don't see what the issue is.

No, .If you go that way I had fun with atleast 80% of my 500 this gen games doesn't mean they are all quality games?  And where did I say I care about those casuals? No idea where you are going with this