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cmeese47 said:

Does anyone have some sales predictions for next year?

2011 Sales Predictions

Forza 4  3 Mil
Gears 3 3 Mil
Kinect Adventures 3.5 Mil
Starwars Kinect 1 Mil
Xcom .75 Mil
Kingdoms 1.2 Mil

Uncharted 3 3.2 Mil
Little Big Planet 3 Mil
Killzone 3 2 Mil
Resistance 3 1.8 Mil
Infamous 2 1.4 Mil
Socom 4 1.1 Mil
Ratchet and Clank .8 Mil
Motorstorm Apocalypse 1.1 Mil
MLB .6 Mil
DC Universe .6 Mil
ICO Collection .5 Mil
Move Heroes .5 Mil

So unless we get some more announcements for 360 things are looking better for PS3

LMAO you do realize Gears 3 likely will sell 3 million in roughly a week right? Do u really think MotorStorm is going to sell that well? First 2 Motorstorm games were polished turds. Nice visuals but poor game design, cheap AI, same old bland and repetitive tracks used over and over way to frequently. They both were enjoyable for oh 2 or 3 hours tops and then you realize all its flaws and then it shows its true colors. Anyone interested in Motorstorm is better off just having the demo for the original and staying clear fro mthe full game since the demo will provide more enjoyment than the full game.

Now don`t get me wrong the upcoming Motorstorm looks cool but you have to put into consideration that the design flaws and issues in the last Motorstorm games likely will cause the new Motorstorm to either A: not do very well or B: sell well but will do so very slowly onyl due to word of mouth. At best I bet it will be at 750,000-800,000 whcih sin`t bad but i am talking long term not short term here.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad