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chenguo4 said:
HideoK said:


Wow, Chenguo is 2.83 - I hadn't even realized he was that close to 3.0. 

2.69 is excellent too. You'll probably break 3.0 this year with all the 5 star games you target. Are you working on any 5 stars right now?

I buy games I want to play and I plat them. I dont get games just b/c they're easy to plat. If things break right and I plat GT5, and I plan on playing MLB the Show 2011  which should be a 4 ****, it could get interesting.

Btw, for my GT5 brothers: I beat the last X2010 challenge Wednesday. I'm doing the GTR at Nurburgring this weekend, and then my march to plat will consist entirely of getting to lvl 40, finishing endurance races, and 1000 cars.

Wow! i salute you Sir. Honest gratulations!

i tried x1 for the first time yesterday. it was really fun to play though i wasnt able to complete any single event. so far the x1 fells kinda like a uberpowerful kart. obvisly u have to get to get used to it, but it doesnt seem that hard to figure it out. on the other side im sure it gets pretty hard as soon as you aim for gold. how perfect do you have to be?

i guess i have to get me a x1 by leveling bspec up to level 35 and then practise in free mode or what ever it is called. btw did you say you are playing with a wheel or a pad?

Once again: Gratulation!

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