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After being delayed numerous times, Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo 5 finally made it out on time for this past holiday season, and Sony proudly announced that the game had alreadyshipped 5.5 million units worldwide (1.25 million of those were shipped to North America). Having hit U.S. store shelves on November 24, the racer placed only eighth on the November top 10 NPD chart

As Sony's primary 'AAA' PS3 title for the holiday season, the hope was that GT5 would accelerate in December, but the title didn't make the top 10. NPD has revealed to IndustryGamers that it sold 560.5K units in December. That's not terrible, but it's certainly less than what you'd expect for a heralded franchise like Gran Turismo

The one thing we'd point out, however, is that like many Wii titles, Gran Turismo is one of those "evergreen" games that will no doubt be picked up by more PS3 owners as the installed base grows. So GT5 will eventually put up some very solid numbers.