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 I think people don't realise that 'as powerful as the PS3' doesn't mean it's as powerful - just that it's the equivalent type of power for a screen of the PSP's size. It's not literally got a cell processor and capable of running Uncharted 2's PS3 code (Albeit it could theoretically be ported). The PSP is actually, by the same argument, more powerful then the PS2 and as powerful as the Wii - but it's not really, just in a pixel to pixel comparison.

 I think Sony are making a wise move here for the most part - while handhelds arn't typically all about graphics and amazing 'hardcore' games normally seen on consoles, with iPhone and similiar products giving people more then enough tetris type games it needs to differentiate itself. They'll have their own app store and suchlike too, for me it's pricing that will decide whether im interested - namely the price of games moreso then the console.

 The media bit is interesting too, I sort of wonder whether it'd be possible for retail games to be sold on some form of cheap flash card / usb stick and then installed to the PSP2's flash drive (Which I assume it'll have?). That'd be brilliant imo and give me the best of both worlds - retail purchases but no games to carry around.

 I'm very interested at the moment, but there are too many ifs and buts - I need to see all the 'other stuff', online funcationality, media capabilities, PS3 link up etc.

EDIT: Forgot to say but I also wonder whether Sony are going to try and make PS3 to PSP2 porting cheap and easy. There's no limitations for doing such - like there was with PSP's 1 analogue stick - and it'll get alot more games on the system if an developer can do it at little expense.