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pachoo5 said:
Chevinator123 said:
pachoo5 said:
cloud1161 said:

which is more likely to entice buyers to purchase the respective console?  will kinect cause more people to buy an xbox 360 or will ps3's exclusive titles cause more people to buy a ps3?  i think this is actually a pretty interesting topic.  i cant even decide which will sell more cuz kinect has a good bit of momentum and ps3's exclusives list is almost legendary.  discuss.

EDIT: i mean the actual kinect hardware vs ps3 exclusives, not the kinect games vs the ps3 games

Kinect should easily cause more 360 sales than PS3 sales. Looking at the list of PS3 exclusives in 2011, there are many nice games but I don't see any titles thare are really of the system moving variety:

Uncharted 3

Killzone 3

Little Big Planet 2

DC Universe Online

Last Guardian

Infamous 2

Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One

Resistance 3

Twisted Metal

Really, the biggest games are probably Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 but neither are system movers IMO.

The momentum for Kinect, OTOH, is huge and still very strong. I don't see the momentum for Kinect dying off anytime soon and MS has promised that 2011 will have some very interesting Kinect titles (most of which haven't been announced yet).

do you even own a ps3..? cause all those games are verry big games and will get high reveiws

Yes I own a PS3. And yes, they are some big games but this late into the generation, a title has to be truly stupdendous to generate noticable system sales, and none of those titles have that sort of power. Really, do you think Uncharted 3 is going to generate many new PS3 sales? i certainly don't.

I agree with your sentiment...  It's not that the PS3 won't have incredibly good games that are only available if you have a PS3.  The problem is that this list aims at the core, the people who already own the PS3.  Sequels especially are catered to an existing audience, not a new one.