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disolitude said:

lol at thought that windows phone OS is going to go further down. Its as low as it will go man!

LOL at calling MS Offcie the "cash cow" and the thought that business will be switching to Open Office any time this decade, shuning out MS Office.

LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL at thought that anyone at VGChartz owns MS stock and should sell

MS has a few smartphones using its browser, but its biggest holding in phones are regular phones, not the high end smartphones.    This could give google a stephold to move up to PC operating systems, especially when it holds a few advantages over windows, like price and speed, size of the OS in gigs needed being a minor advantage.  


Also, to everybody taking my argument as far as it could go saying that MS is doomed in sarcasm, that isn't true.  Instead, it would be quite reasonable to assume that MS is entering a stage where their profit margins will be lower than what we've been having from them.  


browser that MS gets advertising revenue from, phone OS, MS Office as openoffice has 20% marketshare in some european countries now,  bing, and netbook OS are all on the downswing