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PS3 pricing will have more influence on PS3 sales than any list of exclusives. GT5 was PS3's last system selling exclusive. It'll be the overall appeal of the suite of Move games, the total PS3 library, and the extent to which they appeal to the mid to late gen buyer. And the mid to late gen buyer is going to be more price sensitive on hardware. Kinect bundles are at a very good price, and with 360 likely to drop in price this year it looks like very good value.

Here in New Zealand we can buy the 4Gb Kinect bundle for less than the price of the plain 160Gig PS3 by a substantial margion. It's no wonder 360 is outselling PS3 in certain markets outside USA and UK. Put the 160 Gig PS3 at the same price as the 4Gb Kinect bundle in these markets and it would be interesting to see what happens. Actually I think a 160 Gig Move bundle should be priced at $50 more than the 4Gig Kinect bundle to give Move a good entry price point for the new console buyer.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix