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AussieGecko said:
libellule said:

the truth is : it is not an hardware

isnt it obvious ???

neverthless, it is the most fastest and successfull accessory to date 

I remember seeing an article talking about how, IN FRANCE, Kinect, despite is later launch and PS3 bigger userbase, has sold about equally to Move.

wow Kinect is really good 3d, just looks like a "hardware" object not simply a game... jeepers, you learn something everyday...

REAL: Yes Kinect is hardware, it is certainly not software, share ware or wii ware

sure, it is a physical object,
sure, it is not a software

but hardware is USUALLY the word we use to talk about a console sku, this is what is counted in the main page of VGChartz.

if you want you can count kinect/wiimote/pseye has an hardware etc can do it
but I would keep using the word peripheral (hardware) ... it looks fairer to me


Time to Work !