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Well I myself am not interested to much in the line-up though I might buy Nintendogs Cats. Honestly I will buy my 3DS launch day and probubly play Black and White. I'm sure many 3DS purchasers will buy it so that they actually get one. A major selling point within the first year of sales is shortages.

Consumers will pick it up because they know what is coming. They also know that if they don't buy one early when they want one later on in the year they will be impossible to find. I am an early adopter and their are many people like me. So what if 20% don't buy their 3DS's day one their will still be more then enough sales.

As others have pointed out this also gives third parties a chance to strut their stuff though I am alittle dissapointed in the third party line-up. I thought at least one of the Resident Evil's would be present at launch as well as Metal Gear among others.

In the end I blame third parties for any lack in the launch line up. Nintendo is yet again giving them a chance to sell software and yet again third parties are falling short. Soon Nintendo will bring down the hammer (Releasing all those other annaunced games) and third parties will again complain they can't compete against Nintendo.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer