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@AussieGecko said:

Firstly why arent you properly discussing this, you are simply attacking my words. Not substance in words. It is 2 different things. 

i do,you just don't seem to understand.

No I do get what the OP said, as I did in the other thread... It is a matter of opinion by what someone sees as falling. 

thats the problem,you are giving your opionion more incentive than just discussing visible facts out there

And no I was using Legendary games because the person I was quoting did, I cant remember who that was now, I also said that they have to start their IP's over which is not really that easy for some companies considering they have been doing the same ones for a while. 

you were quoting me.

with MS's backing who  has big bucks and loads heavy advertising behind their products.i think they are atleast well supported apart from the fact the types of games MS wants them to make.

Ok if you are going to take the role of an English teacher its my turn. 

At Bolded :

lame reasoning - Explain which parts and why you think it is lame reasoning

"the op said they have fallen but i say not"

is this 2nd grade

we can understand you seem to disagree but you don't have to put sentences like that out there

abt the lame reasoning part,you don't think they have fallen and you try to say that is just becase of they are making kinect games and their old  games are legally available for them.

you yourself sumed up how they have failed but you seem to disagree


Which i can't blame you as they don't have many left - I did actually point to their strengths, my examples were Kinect and assoc, games after they went to MS, they have actually been put in charge of a lot of MS future endeavours... this is a strength imo.

RARE had fallen long before KINECT and  developing KINECT games is like developing Wii sports or wii play or wii fit or wii party or i could go on and on.

we are talking about legendary games and you come in and say,oh they are doing amazing kinect stuff and that means they haven't fallen which shows that you think kinect games are as good as thos legendary games that you think they are still as good.

over that you talk about future endevours as they are big things,developing your system design and avatars is bad future endevour

future endevour that rare deserve is to have its own HALO level comparing to what they have done in the past

You yourself are saying in a sense they have fallen - No I hadn't, I said they were starting new IP's you disregarded the first few, so if you are patient they will make more for your specifications. Just ask them nicely okay.

i think we have all been patient for alot of years

you think kinect sports is new ip that they will

that is like a one or two time cannot be taken as a franshise.

it is just a hardware supporter just like WII SPORTS and SPORTS CHAMPIONS MOVE.

Big Hitters etc - Your opinion vs Mine

it wasn't and opinion again,you can see the impact that their products have made compared to their past products

Legendary - Using quoted words

Rare = Newborn babies - well this isnt true, they have done a few new IP's, they are doing massive works in and around MS game studios. 

again just creating new ips shouldn't be their task,their task should be creating an ip that matters

and again you yourself sumed them up,they are doing massive works around MS game studios as they don't have their own big game that matters like it did in the past