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So lets say you are trying to get one of the biggest media holders to jump on the side of your format. How do you make it more attractive? You give a longterm discount on licensing fees. Now as long as your format looks like it will be the victor this is a huge savings, and would encourage them to be exclusive.

Now take some insider who takes an estimate of the huge media company and all their possible products and guesses what the total savings might be. They might come up with a number like half a billion. Now that is a tasty tidbit.

In this scenario someone was paid off, but as they said there was no pile of cash given. It was a backroom deal, but it was sound business. So everyone in this thread is right. Huge profits for Warner but only because they have so much to contribute and only because they realized that Blu-Ray had won.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt