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Onimusha12 said:

Desperate moves like this are not new to Sony and the other companies invested in Blu-Ray. This is to be expected and explains quite clearly the recent resurgance in Blu-Ray exclusivity. Either way, more money in the hole, wonder if Sony and their constituants will ever see a profit

Onimusha12 said:

I'm perplexed as to why you call my posts trolling when they're far more constructive and relevant than most of yours. Unlike you I've also never been banned for my actions so I really don't see you in a position to lecture.

You're also the one exagerating, not I, I bashed no companies, merely pointed out their behaviors as being typical and responded to the winings of people in this thread which I see you made no attempt to address for the very reasons you allegedly chose to single out my posts. It would appear you've painted your own bias here.


yes what you are doing is considered trolling, though you are bordering between being a troll and being plain guillible. there is no proof that BDA actually paid off warner and your stating it as if it were fact. warner joining blu-ray is a very logical step. Warner said that they  wanted to choose only one format and that they would let the consumer decide.
blu-ray has been outselling HD-dvd by 2:1.
which side would warner choose?

then suddenly out of the blue,according to some HD-dvd fansite with secret reliable sources, warner decides to back up HD-dvd but was paid off by BDA at the last moment.

as i have stated before, this is probably just some diehard HD-dvd fan dribble trying to comfort HD-dvd's lost by saying they would have won if BDA didnt cheat, that BDA didnt win through their own merits.

as an analogy

how would you feel if you won gold in the 100 meter dash olympics through years of hardwork and training only to have people accuse you of using drugs to win. That you would have lost if you didnt cheat, and no matter how much you and the judges try to deny it, the public would not listen to you but would rather blindly listen to your rivals diehard fans with secret sources that said you cheated.

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