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Blip said:
Dno said:
elnino334 said:
ok im sick of theWHo cares is not our money. If anything HD-DVD only made someone or a company lose half a million dollars out of their billions LOL. About time they got aggressive. Seriously Blu-ray aka Sony thought that they where just going to run shit without even trying. We all know digital distribution is where the future is headed so they lost a great opportunity to eliminate hd-dvd early on and now have to hope somehow Blue-ray takes off before digital distribution is here. It will become just like mp3's where people will just download things into their computer or TV etc and not want to deal with physical media.

ok im sick of this download movie shit. People ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. blu-ray will be the future intill EVERYONE gets high speed contection and Hardrive space. i mean how long has itunes been out and the CDs STILL sell better.

movies its a lot different because im NOT gonna watch a 1080p movie on my 17inch pc. i will watch it on my 40 inch 1080p HD TV will sourrond sound and thats only possibile on blu-ray. and lastly itunes is out already and its popular. there is not ONE movie download service as popular as itunes and face it will all download our songs for free yet CDs STILL sell in the millions. Movies take longer and you need more space and our current broadband can hardly run Xbox live with out it failing (in the x-mas season google it if you havent heard) so huge downloads will not make a impact for another 10 years

It may have won the battle between the two hd formats, but I still think it does not have a future.  As someone who has bought around a thousand dvds over the last decade, I can tell you in all certainty I will be damned if I ever buy a BluRay product.  Not only because of my disdain for Sony, but having purchased quite a few HDDVD's I have realized that  HD is just not worth it (and yes, I've got 1080p).  I am not replacing my movie library again just so I can see moles on peoples skin and such - dvds are most certainly good enough. Considering I actually took the plunge and have come up with this conclusion, I can imagine that it will be rejected by most casual dvd buyers.  I know quite a few people who did not give up on their vhs until the last couple of years.  To convince them that they have to start all over again for not that much advancement is folly.  I feel quite confident that by the time the dvd market has played out, the technology for downloading will be in place.  I think there are other factors at play here such as the world's march towards going green.  The millions upon millions of plastic wrapped paper and plastic cases that will not have to be manufactured and shipped, not to mention that our gas prices keep going up and when one can save a trip to the store with a few clicks over the internet, I absolutely think a push for downloading will be embraced.  Also with a likely recession in place or on the way, I think this will futher impede any embracement of higher priced HD product, not excluding the big tvs and perhaps the more expensive of the video game consoles.  Temporary - yes, but any delay of full embracement of the hd format is just another day closer toward downloading.

And you are correct to point out the cd vs. downloading market.  Yes cd's still sell millions, but the argument should be that it is actually dvds that will continue to sell millions during the period of  the physical distribution's decline.  The decline is already beginning.  Look at the video rental stores closing left and right, the vast bargin dvd bins in most stores.  I think the dvd industry is just grasping at straws in hopes of avoiding what the music industry is going through now.  I am sure 10-15 years ago, very few, myself included  would believe the state the music industry is in right now.  I thought when I first starting hearing about music downloading that it would be a fad and who would want to give up the liner notes and album art.  The movie industry doesn't even have that going for them - it is just a matter of time.

yea but blu-ray will have mad sony MILLIONS by time anyone gets it right. you no the 50% or americans dont have high speed internet right? that means blu-ray will be here for another 6-7 years bet on it.