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DMeisterJ said:
@ Onimusha12

I am a sony troll!? Wow, Armageddon must be near. My argument is right there, you are celebrating a rumor as if it's true. It's like you get some sort of sick pleasure when you are able to say anything horrible about sony, and are severly bitter when something their way happens, and must say something to try to bring down people from being happy. You genuinely do not like Sony as a company, for no other reason than that you own a competing console, and feel compelled to post in any thread that sheds sony in a good light. You troll the sony games databases, and post negatively about games in there, because you have nothing better to do. You are a blatant troll. Also, I was banned for a not-smart reason. I called someone dumb. People have called me and many members on this thread more than that, but I got banned, didn't make multiple accounts, took my week off from this site, wasn't a nuisance and came back.

I see nothing good is going to come of furthering this fruitless game. You claim I'm celebrating a rumor when I've done nothing by state its likelihood. You claim I've raided the PS3 game database with trolling when I've maybe only commented on one or two games. You're clearly of a hypocritical double standard disposition here so any attempt to reason with you will just further your own dellusions of victimization.

You'd better shape up if you don't want a second ban.