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5. So what if the PS3 gets pirated? Their fault for taking away Linux


Well if you noticed the timeline. Hackers had no attentions on hacking the PS3 until Sony pulled the Linux move. Once that happen it became their mission to hack and crack it! In the end paying any price for a ability, and then taking it away. With no refund or at least something that pays respect to the consumer. Is a big F U to that consumer! If Nintendo all of sudden did a update that made the Wii not play Gamecube games. People would be upset, and have a right too. So like I said to Sony this entire generation! They have gotten what they deserve. Last place, and now a fully hacked system! Now I have a reason to buy a PS3! Free Games!!!!!!


Just because someone is saying something different. Doesn't mean their point of view is right!

Member Of The Wii Squad: Warriors of Light!

One of the 4 Yonkou of Youtube aka Wii Warlords. Other Members include ThaBlackBaron, Shokio, and Cardy.