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DMeisterJ said:
@ Onimusha12

Stop trolling. First, this is a rumor, and easily could be false. Second, who says that sony is the only one paying, if it is true, there are others in the blu-ray camp after all. Your blatant attempts at trolling are getting really old. unless you have something to add to the discussion, not bashing companies that you don't like, you shouldn't post.

I'm perplexed as to why you call my posts trolling when they're far more constructive and relevant than most of yours. Unlike you I've also never been banned for my actions so I really don't see you in a position to lecture.

You're also the one exagerating, not I, I bashed no companies, merely pointed out their behaviors as being typical and responded to the winings of people in this thread which I see you made no attempt to address for the very reasons you allegedly chose to single out my posts. It would appear you've painted your own bias here.

You're a well known Sony troll, that's no secret. While this news may be questionable to some degree, its valid news and more than plausable with only benefit of the doubt to support your argument of its invalidity. Your trollish nature is further illustrated by the fact you've illustrated nothing specific in what I've done to criticize me for. You've simply just slapped the label of troll on my presence in this thread with no real argument or specifics to corroborate it. Could that be because you have no merit to my being a troll outside of the fact I say things you don't agree with?