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Resistance 2 wasn't aweful. People just disliked the game because it changed so many things from the original title. Changes that fans themselfes are to blame for. Insomniac did what game developers rarely do and thats listen to there fans. People were telling them they wanted more colour in FPS because they were always grey and perks like COD games would make the game better. They also told them that carrying 10 weapons at a time was unrealistic and having only 2 at a time allowed for better stratigic multiplay games.

I was on the resistance forums for months and played games with insomniac staff every first friday of every month. So when Insomniac released a game based on what fans told them, all the fans didn't like the colour, hated the perks and wanted the weapon wheels back. Resistance is far from a bad game so people can stop that.

Also anyone who played resistance knows that every level was hugh and very detailed so the dude saying Halos tech is better needs to reconize that large levels and detail don't measure tech but in resistances case it had large scale maps and detail just like Halo reach does. I'm even inclined to say that Resistance 2 had more detail than halo reach so drop that act. I will give Reach explosions though, they do look way better than resistance 2s, for real