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Well when the PS3 showed little promise early last year, Blu-Ray became the new hope for many Sony supporters and thus it has become such an ingrained aspect of gaming discussion, especially on this forum.

You can call the woes of the HD-DVD supporters pathetic, but they're no more pathetic than the Blu-Ray supporters who insist that Blu-Ray won without any bribes or behind the scenes politics. Also it was largely the insesant harping of Sony supporters for Blu-Ray that drove many who wouldn't have cared one way or another to support HD-DVD.

The Blu-Ray fanboys created the HD-DVD fanboys with their need to force this issue as one of polarized loyalty and after this recent bout of news and all the proclamations of Blu-Ray's victory do any of you really think you have the right to audatiously tell people to stop complaining when the only issue here was made by yourselves?

Call my argument excusive if you must but when the PS3 showed a renewed support these holidays it was you fanboys who made thread after thread proclaiming Sony's domination in some of the most shameless and over-reactive manners ever seen only to then claim foul when others put you in your place with facts and issues that still faced the PS3 asking, "Can't you let us have our excitement for the console we support?" Now that Blu-Ray shows signs of winning the format war you return once more with over-zealous proclamations of victory only to claim foul once more when facts are brought to light that sully your victory.