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Icyedge said:  He does have a point that online gaming (PC and consoles) and online network (MSN, facebook, youtube) are all free. Its not often that you see a company charge for the kind of thing Live does. Though, its not really expensive and they have all the right in the world to charge if they want too, no biggy to me. But he still have a point.

Also, Microsoft surely charged for Live because it was a good way to compensate for what they were loosing elsewhere, giving them more chance to enter the gaming business without loosing too much. Having that in mind, I think that if 360 keeps being as successful, I could see Live being a free service in the next generation of Microsoft's hardware. What do you think about that?

And as someone else said, TV is free, but people pay for cable and premium channels.  And water is free, but we buy bottled water.  And dial-up is cheaper than cable internet.

Microsoft is increasing numbers of Live accounts while RAISING prices.  Why in the world would they make Live free?  That's ridiculous.  Their key is just to make sure that the perceived value to the majority of the customers is that it is worth the money.  They will make heavy, heavy discounts available before they ever make it free, because they make too much money off the suckers who just let it auto-renew versus go to Amazon and buy a card for way less.  I mean, all the whining about $50, now $60 a year goes on, and I've paid for 8 years and only paid anywhere near full price the first time.  

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?