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ethomaz said:
Hyruken said:
ethomaz said:
Hyruken said:
In your opinion it is, doesn't mean it is in everyone elses.

As for the play the game remark...look at my gamertag. Click it and go and see what level i am up to. Your see i have put far more hours into it then Forza. However after looking at your tag i don't see GT5 on there. So that is quite funny you saying i should play it when you have no record of playing it on your tag where as i do...

That's not just my opinion... that's common sense... the majority of reviewers and players agree.

Add me on PSN (ethomaz) and just check my profile on GT5... you be surprise.

Nsanity said:

So you have played Forza 3?

Yeap... and maybe more than a lot of people here... the points I listed before are easy to see just playing some hours... the track one is so obvious.

elvacano80 said:
i bet you havent even played forza or gt5, lmao how could you even talk about realistic?

Are you kidding? Because I can post images playing the game.

Or can you see here: (I'm not sure you have be logged in to view).

Thats common sense? Sorry i don't think i have much common sense then in that case because looking at its review scores it has around 84% on metacritic. I assume you are talking about certain reviews/reviewers who back up your opinion while ignoring those who don't? That doesn't mean it is common sense it means your only selecting opinions which match your own. I am sure if i could be bothered i could go through those same reviews and find negative reasons or maybe even explanations as to why they didn't give it a 9 score? Also if the game is so good as you suggest why has it won none if any game of the year awards? Forza 3 won Spike TV racing game of the year, Gamespot racing game of the year, IGN racing game of the year G4TV racing game of the year, and runner up to 360 game of the year.

Maybe you could point out its awards for those of us with no common sense?

Read the reviews... not view just the score... all of then said "GT5 is by far the best sim racing on consoles"... it's not IMO it's common sense between reviewers.

You are getting blinded by review scores.

And we already all the points about the reviewers giving a score lower than 9 because the "expectations" and "hype" of non-GT5 fans.

Edit - I have no idea why PlayFire was not  updading my trophies profile sig... the actual one:

As i said before that is your opinion. Your just picking the reviews that match your opinion. Your not talking about the countless ones which don't match it or talk bad about it.

I don't have time to read through all of them but here are just a few

"despite a few improvements there's little to crow about this time around, The age-old argument regarding licensed vehicles showing realistic damage doesn't hold water here either; Forza 3 has shown it can be done. The core attributes remain unchanged, the game is a triumph for pure racing aficionados, and is without doubt the best racing simulator available on the PS3" - Gameplanet

"we NEVER thought we'd say this - we reckon Forza III has the march on GT5 in overall aesthetics" - CVG

"Polyphony has clearly opted for quantity over quality, and no matter how hyperbolic the back of the box comes off I find it extremely telling that a game that’s been in development for at least five years would ship so unbalanced and so lacking in polish. The developers seemingly reside within a bubble where no other recent simulation racing games have been released (including, apparently, Gran Turismo 4). Thanks to studios like Codemasters and Turn 10, a revolution may be occurring within the genre, but it has nothing to do with this obsolete franchise" - GameZone

"Is GT5 better then Forza 3? No. Forza may look more sterile, but it gives the user so much input, both in deciding what they want to do and what they want their car to be like, GT suddenly looks restrictive. Both feature roll-overs and crazily-realistic physics simulation in their latest builds, but Forza's class system for upgrades ensures you're never over/underpowered in races. Oh, and every car has a cockpit view. Sterile though it is, Forza has far less faffing around when you don't want to faff and just as much when you do. You can even paint the Mona Lisa on your car, which is something GT5 simply doesn't allow." GamesRadar

etc etc

So like i said you can't go around saying GT5 is the best SIm game or Forza isn't a Sim like you said in your orgional post because that is just silly and basically just fanboyism. People have been banned for far less then that.

I don't want to sound like i am putting GT5 down as thats not my intention. I love the game, my stats show i love the game, the amount of money i have spent on a steering wheel shows i like the game. That and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit are the only games i am really playing right now. I am of course a car nut, i do amateur racing. So i think i am in a good position to comment on it from a safe neutral position. Point being GT5 is a good game but it is very flawed in terms of being pure simulation. Your basically racing against yourself every race. Or against your own personal best times. Even the die hard GT fans over on the forum will tell you the game in terms of simulation is pretty limited.

It all boils down to your own definition of the word.  But as shown you above you can't go around saying "everyone thinks its the best sim" etc as thats just not true. Like with every game the reviews for it will have a lot of people speaking good of it, and a lot of people speaking bad about it. That is just how it goes. You can't ignore the bad stuff because as i said that is just selecting views that match your own. Which seems quite biased.