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Glad to see this game is being well received, although i'm not surprised :P

My only gripe with LBP is that I could never create my own level. I don't know if it was just because it took so much time to do or I would just get frustrated and quit. Those are really the only reasons I ended up putting LBP down in the first place. While I wanna pick up LBP2, I don't think I'm going to run out to buy it day one like I had wanted its predecessor. I'm just happy to see Sony having a good start to 2011 :D

Here's hoping DCUO and ME2 are well received as well. KZ3, InFamous 2, Twisted Metal, and Uncharted 3.. i'm not too worried about :D:D

 Proud owner of the PSone original, PSone slim, PS2 slim, PS3 slim, PSP-3000.

37 PS3 games and counting.