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Oh my god..STOP pissing and moaning you hd-dvd fanboys. There was NO payoff....a "trusted source"...that doesn't exist. Some RANDOM BLOGGER on some stupid hd fansite claiming he has a "trusted source"'re all stupid for believing him lol. Sorry guys if you don't know how the practice of "False Rumors" work in the industry, ya'll need to brush up on lingo..instead of wasting time with this garbage bs.

YOU seriously believe in your demented heads that FOX and WARNERS were going ....hd-dvd exclusive, WHY! LOL...WHY the hell would they do that, so their sales could PLUMMET and make ther companies the laughing stock of the industry.

Guys, get with it..there's no payoff, they switched because they see the BLURAY sales, they see BLURAY player sales..they see the future, and the future is BLU.

ONCE AGAIN, RIP HDVD...stop crying its all over.