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for 2011, me and 2 friends wanted to stop smoking. we made the decision.. hmm.. 30 minutes before the clock said 0.00, actually. x) 

  the good thing: none of us did smoke the last 72ish Hours.. but it gets haaarder.. they smoke 2 years longer than i do, so it may be even harder for them, and yupp - they are QQ'ing over PSN Mails how badly they want a cigarette. :D i reply with 'nah, its okay with me., u r a noob. keep up.' because i know if i reply in the same way, someone will start again and drag the motivation of the other 2 down..

so yeah, i never imagined that it would be that hard. ^^ and i am only smoking for 5 years or so (i wonder how hard it would be in 10 years omfg). anyone here who has gone through the same crap has some  words of motivation :>?

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!