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squall747 said:
dahuman said:
squall747 said:
dahuman said:
squall747 said:

I believe some of the technologies in Kinect are innovative for gaming. As a whole not 100% fully innovative. But these days what is? So many ideas are taken from other things (not always related) and applied. That's modern innovation. Just as America invented video games if you asked who invented video games most would probably answer Japan. It is Japan that is seen as the father of the video game world it is because they took it to the next level and made it worldly renowned. This is the same thing that has and will happen with Kinect. Credit is still due none the less.

As usual, the military products all over the world are the most innovative things you will find these days, most things we use tech wise are of military origins around the world, sad shit ain't it? There is nothing called modern innovation, it's just simple evolution, you don't change a word's meaning to suit whatever the hell you want, people are dumb enough as it is nowadays and doing that just makes it worse, just use the right words to start with.

Modern innovation or Evolution my point still stands. I dont care what word is used.

Using the right terms that people can understand at the start can avoid unnecessary conflict or pointless bickering like we are doing right now. That's why there are still so many countries at war in the world, a lot of them originated from things really really small like a miscommunication from thousands of years ago. You need to take responsibility for the things you say and you have to care what words you are putting out unless you are purposely looking for trouble, in which case, be my guest.

You serious? I mean really serious? Were bickering? I'm not bickering with you. Maybe your butt hurt over something because you read to much into things. Like a simple word which is sad to fight over. My choice of words I didn't consider a big deal. I chose it because I believed their were some innovations within kinect for motion gaming. And you go into a rant because of a conflict of choice of words. Seriously man I don't care that much. My point wasn't that word but what was within the rest of the paragraph. You talk about wars and crap over a word in a game thread? I mean WOW man is all I can say. But that's a problem with the world. Is everyone has to watch what they say in fear of stepping on someone else's toes. Well sorry freedom of speech is still alive for moment. Just accept someone else's opinion with a grain of salt and move along. No need to get upset over nothing.

There is a difference in freedom of speech and simply spewing out words that you don't know the meaning of. There is no opinion when the facts of a dictionary is sitting right there, you can't interpret a meaning on something that's wrong to start with. You can't get a true point across universally unless you are speaking in a term that a mass majority can really understand, which has nothing to do with freedom of speech. So yeah, you are bickering.