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I find the way in which DF presents its findings to be more credible than LOT. I'd also like to hear definitive word about what Bioware did to port the Demo to PS3. Whether they used the ME3 engine, or whether they did a more standard port.

It appears, due to some things looking better on PS3, that they must have used an upgraded engine for the demo because it's unlikely the engine used for ME2 on PC/360 would lead to PS3 looking better in any situations. That being the case, PS3 ME2 being made on the ME3 engine but only being arguably better looking (at best) than the 360 version, and slightly worse looking (at worst) means PS3 version of ME3 might look a bit rough compared to 360 version of ME3.

I am absolutely getting ME2 on PS3, and I hope it sells well enough for Bioware to know that going multiplat was the right call for this franchise. Getting a slew of GOTY's will help PS3 sales I hope. It certainly gives it good marketing material for PS3. And because it's on PC they don't even need to mention 360 in the PS3 ads talking about it's GOTYness: "The 2010 PC game of the year comes to PS3, with exclusive new material..."; "In the face of such great PC franchises such as Civ V and Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Mass Effect 2 emerged as the best game of 2010, and now it's coming to PS3..."

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix