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I'm more inclined to take Digital Foundry's results at face value, just based on past history.

While I have looked at Lens of Truth's comparisons in the past, their conclusions often seem more subjective and subject to the personal bias of the reviewer doing the write up. Normally, that's fine for a review, but when a review is supposedly based upon hard objective performance numbers, then I have a problem.

When comparison reviews start messing up the data samples (publishing the wrong screen shots for the wrong version of a game, screen shots with the wrong video settings, etc.) then I kind of have to take any future conclusions from the site with a grain of salt, effectively defeating the point of a site specializing in reviews based upon objective comparisons.

Anyway, I find myself inclined to skip future Lens of Truth reviews when it comes to choosing which version of a game to buy.

I buy most of my multiplats on PC anyway, but there were games like Bayonetta, Enslaved and FFXIII this year so naturally there are still a fair amount of big titles that don't even show up on PC at all (or extremely late).