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Hyruken said:
ethomaz said:
extagénesis said:

Forza is a really good game! Is the more realistic racing game in every caracteritic but grafics... The fisics in the gameplay is fenomenal... I think there's never was money enough behind his marketing like GT5 has. Xbox 360 still ground up every week; the only one who does that. I just not getted the bad sales of Reach in EMMA :(

Forza is not realistic... the tracks are out of real proportions... the phisics are more Arcade than Sim... and gameplay lacks a lot of sim features.

But I agree it is a really good game... just not so good for sim racers.

Ok i think most of us listen to your GT5 lovefest for sometime now and we let it go but i think enough is enough now. Especially when you talk about the rubbish you have above.

Your talking about sims and putting Forza down by implying it isn't a sim. In this instance "the physics are more arcade". Are you for real? You do realise in GT5 as with all previous GT games you can use the cars in front of you to slow down from 150mph to 40mph so you can take the corner without having to brake by simply ploughing into them? That isn't very "sim" like you know because if you do that you will be dead...Add to that even if you do that your car will be fine and will continue to run at full capacity. Yeah really "sim" physics there...

The same goes with the AI which is obviously never going to be as good as human beings. But at least in Forza the AI adapts to your racing style, it won't follow a set magical line and stay on it like it is on rails, that is more like a train then racing.

So please for the love of god stop saying Forza isn't a sim racing game while implying GT5 is...

Aren't you taking this a little bit personal? Forza 3 just isn't as good a simulator as GT5 is, most, if not all, of the major reviewers said that, even the ones who gave Forza 3 the higher score overall. There's nothing wrong with Forza 3 as a racer, but you're reaching if you call it a simulator.