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1. Metroid Prime - Gamecube

I could write pages upon pages of essays about this game, and never once do it justice. I could sing it's praises for hours, and still be doing it a disservice. I could post a thousand screenshots from this game, and never once capture it's essence. You just have to play it yourself, to understand the brilliance of it.

There is not a single thing I would change about this game. Not the soundtrack, which contains some of the best music in any entertainment medium. Not the bosses, that are all excellently designed and a blast to kill. (Well, except for the Parasite Queen) Not the story, that manages to be deep, intriguing and immersive without alienating a bulk of it's fan-base with an overload of cutscenes. (Unlike a certain other game I could name.) And definitely not the intricate and compelling world, that is Tallon IV, which is endlessly more fascinating than any of the generic dark-haired, clear-skinned, hypocritically violent, self-righteous white-boy protagonists, that the industry is saturated with nowadays.

My vocabulary is not large enough to properly express how much I love this game, so I'll just conclude with this: If somebody walked up to me on the street and said: "Metroid Prime sucks", I would punch him in the nose.