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RolStoppable said:
Icyedge said:
RolStoppable said:
pizzahut451 said:

Yeah well, people who buy Mario games dont exactly have a high standard when it comes to stories.

And plus, people dont buy Mario games for story, they buy them because its mario. Platforming fun. Thats it

There you have it. This means that injecting what you call a good story would make a game like Super Mario worse, not better.

Yes probably, but that isnt the point. Other games are suited for a storyline. Wheter or not theres a story, doesnt pose any problem, both games are games. Its the gamer choice to prefer one or the other. Its also the gamer choice to dismiss one for being story heavy or for having no story. Why are you guys making so much of a problem out of this statement?!?

Because the implication seems to be that games without or simple stories are lesser games than the ones that are story-heavy. That's just asking for a fight.

I never said that nor imply it. I even said multiple time that I understand and respect story isnt important to all gamers.