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2. Shadow of the Colossus - PS2

I could say so many things about this game. I could talk about how the plot manages to intrigue you, and keep you going forward through it's minimalist structure. I could talk about the almost magical atmosphere. I could talk about how the controls never fail to amaze me, always keeping me in awe of the Colossi I am trying to topple. I could talk about the rich world they inhabit, about the simple beauty of it and it's changing slopes and valleys. I could talk about the Colossi themselves, how their design is something unmatched in creativity, and in pure awe. And if taking down each one of those majestic monsters wasn't so damn fun, the pure guilt of taking the life of such an awe-inspiring creature would make me never want to pick up that controller again.

No matter how many times I complete it, Shadow of the Colossus always fills my heart with wonder.