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                             A boy like me can only dream about a real life Pokemon Movie. :'(


For years Nintendo has been ignorant towards the way they have handled their Pokemon properties.  I have always been a fan of their cartoon show and I still am. I only watch the first seasons as the current ones suck.  The video games however are unappealing to an audience like me. I know many of you are fans of their rpg Pokemon games which are HUGE sellers on the handheld market.  Many argue that even so Nintendo fails to innovate enough to their video game franchise.  I have played Pokemon on the Gameboy and I found out that this type of game just wasn't for me. I have now tried Pokemon Black and White, my perspective hasn't changed much. 
Would it hurt for Nintendo to try something NEW with Pokemon? Afterall Nintendo is so cocky about how they 'innovate'.  They can still continue to sell their RPG only Pokemon games. I read on IGN a very intriguing piece about an editor's wishlist. As Follows:

A Pokemon Action-RPG
In terms of likelihood this is way low, but come on, Nintendo! Pokemon is still a ridiculously fun game, but the dynamic has not changed much since it was introduced, and those of us who are a little bored by turn-based combat would welcome a change. Imagine instead of the ponderous battles that currently exist, you are dropped into an Archon-style arena with all of the Pokemon abilities at your disposal, and you duke it out in a high-energy button-mashing frenzy. Sure, you'd have to explain the Pokemon size difference, but surely it can't be too hard to pull off, considering these creatures live in tiny balls. Make it happen!

What about a plain fighting game? Such as the likes of Street Fighter, Super Smash, or Mortal Kombat. I really love Pokemon and I wish Nintendo would make a game like this. One day, perhaps with the 3DS and its graphic and power abilities it could happen. 

What are your thoughts? Hit the comment sections below!