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3. Super Metroid - SNES

Super Metroid is the epitome of 2D gaming. From the opening sequence, you knew, that you were in for pure greatness. (Well, at least I did.) Super Metroid is one hundred percent from beginning to end, and there is only one word to describe how you feel after completing it: "satisfied."

Splendorous music, sublime gameplay and one of the most immersive video game settings ever created are just a few of the many, many things so right about this game. From the throwback to the old Metroid levels at the beginning of the game, to going out of your way to save your little animal buddies at the end, Super Metroid left nothing - NOTHING - not done.

There is no other game, that I have completed over fifty times. Mega Man 3 introduced me to gaming, but it was Super Metroid, that solidified my addiction to video games.