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Kytiara said:
Sorrow880 said:
This has already been debunked by Warner, and comes from an HD-DVD website, but eitherway, who gives a

How is it any different than Paramount accepting a bribe? A bribe is a bribe & $$$ amounts matter little when comparing Paramount to Warner.  The biggest difference is Paramount chose to be anti-consumer.

I'm just glad Warner made a decision between formats. I finally feel it's safe to go 100% blu-ray and to buy another player for downstairs. The important thing is that the consumers can buy with confidence now instead of having worry and confusion about buying a format that might fail like Laser Disc or Betamax.

I applaud Warner and hope to see Toshiba throw in the towel. Warner did what was sensible, they teamed up with the side that was winning nearly 65:35. If they would have done any differently, they truly would have been making a stalemate of the format war. At this point, Toshiba is being disrespectful to the consumer and they're better off ending their loss sooner rather than later.

Sorry but this statement is silly.  Toshiba is trying to make money, thats what companies do.  If you don't like it, don't buy but stop acting like its a personal insult to you that they are marketing a competing product.

Lol....actually your statement is funny.  I could care less which format wins as long as one is decided soon.  I want to buy HD movies and these corporate battles are bullshit.  I applaud Warner for trying to end the format war for the consumer.  If blu-ray wins, I'll buy blu-ray, if HD-DVD wins, I'll buy HD-DVD--I just want a winner SOON.  By going with the product that was currently in the lead, Warner did the sensible thing. 

I can tell by your complete lack of understanding that you are too young to understand what happened with I'll not hold your naive statements against you--you probably were still wearing diapers.  In my case, I first hand remember what happened with Betamax (luckily we went with VHS), but my next door neighbor lost a lot of money because of that format war.  2 Betamax players and 47 videos later, it WAS ALL WORTHLESS. 

(And just so you realize, I'm far from a, I actually have an HD-DVD add-on for my 360 (got it for Christmas) and I support all three consoles.)

Well, I now only have access to a PS3 & 360...Plan on buying a wii soon (lol, if I can ever find one available!) but will probably wait until some of the major RPG's come out like Dragon Quest & Tales, etc.

Anyhow, I'm so far behind in games to play that I'm not in a huge hurry (lol, haven't even gotten a chance to finish God of War II yet!)