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Here are a few cons:

- Intoxication and alcohol poisoning are the most obvious. Shakespeare died from alchohol poisoning. When you're intoxication there are numerous things that can happen.
- You could possibly pass out after being intoxicated. All sorts of things are bound to happen once you're passed out. In most cases, the results are not pretty at all. This is one of the biggest problems associated with drinking.
- You can vomit and lose vital fluids.

- You tend to let go of your inhibitions when drinking. When that happens, the "truth" comes out. For reference, watch this movie from Hong Kong called "Drink, Drank, Drunk." You could get pretty violent and not know it. That is the one sign that you shouldn't be drinking alcohol.

- Driving under the influence. Despite all the warnings, penalties, and so forth, people do drink under the influence. 
- Prolonged alcohol abuse leads to all sorts of things that will affect you for the rest of your life.