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Oh this thread is a genius idea. I've never read it before because I assumed it had a completely different concept. Making a top 50 list should be fun, I guess I'll give it a shot later. Brilliant idea, Smeags!

Edit: Wow. This was a lot harder than I expected it to be. A quick brainstorm put around 40 titles into "definitely in my top 20", so that alone caused quite a confusion. I have no idea how you lot manage to do this properly.

Edit 2: Well, this turned out to be a lot easier than I expected it to be. I've sorted out which games I think are my top 50 now. They'll just need some rearranging, and that's it. I'm quite surprised by the list myself. It has surprisingly few Ps2 and SNES games, and quite a lot of recent games. In fact, I think half of the games are from 2007 to now, which is quite surprising.