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1) The features offered by all of them are fairly balanced, though I prefer the Kindle, if only because that's the one I have.

2) SKYTEX is the only e-reader I can think of that does. It's more cheaply made than most of them, but it might be the only one in color.

3) No idea, but that would be sweet...

4) Yes! They're all pretty thin, so they don't feel awkward at all, really.

5) Not entirely, there's something about holding books that will always hold it above my Kindle for me, but it comes close. They do a good job of replicating the experience as closely as they can.

6) Depends on the model. The newer Kindles can hold about 3500 books. The Kobo (Border's e-reader) can hold about 1000, but you can use an sd card to expand the memory, I think. The Nook can hold about 1500, but it's memory can also be expanded.

7) Might not hurt, but it's already pretty impressive. Depends on what you're looking for, I suppose.

8) If it's just for the sake of reading, probably not. Honestly, an e-reader should (in theory, anyway) feel much better when reading upon, since it's built to mimic a book. No backlight helps there, and the screen itself is actually a bit grey to look like a book page (at least for the Kindle).

Hope this helps!
